PS: Wonderfully Made
PS:Wonderfully Made
Raising the Self-esteem of young ladies while bringing them back to Christ
PS: Wonderfully Made is based off of Psalms 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." KJV
PS: Wonderfully Made is a nonprofit organization that was created to inspire women of all ages to love themselves and to grow in our savior Christ Jesus. Society tells women that we must fit into a man made mold that often causes women to create harmful coping skills. Women often began to compete against one another instead of uplifting and supporting on another. Here at PS: Wonderfully Made we believe that every woman was made fearfully and Wonderfully Made.
PS: Wonderfully Made focuses on destroying low self esteem in the hearts of young ladies of all ages with the word of God.
What we believe?​
Jesus Christ died for everyone's sin, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of our father. (Romans 8:34)
There is a Holy Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)​
We can come boldly to the throne and repent for our sins because Christ died on the cross for us. (Hebrews 4:16)​ Our Mission
To equip young ladies with the Wisdom of Jesus Christ with mentorship. Women of all ages and races are welcomed to come and participate. (Titus 2:3-5)​
Teach young women to care about themselves and other physically spiritually and mentally. (1 Corinthians 6:19)
Create a environment where ladies feel safe to discuss Christ, goals, fears and aspirations. (John 13: 34-35)
To get young ladies involved in the community and to seek out ways to help those in need. (Acts 20:35)
The PS:Wonderfully Made headquarters is stationed in Detroit, Michigan. This area is in desperate need of attention from the body of Christ. No only is their poverty, but there is also violence and a lack of unity. Our mission is to help children and families in need and to help them with food, supplies and spiritual fellowship.
Want to become a mentor? Email us for details!
Live and know the Word of God
Love of Christ and a love for his people
Be willing to serve
Where it all started!
Samantha is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit organization
PS: Wonderfully Made.
A organization that focuses on raising the self esteem of young ladies while reuniting them with Christ.
Samantha is a native of Detroit, Michigan. In April of 2015, Samantha gave her life to Christ during alter call at a sunday service. Samantha is a Speaker, Writer and Vlogger. After hearing that so many women were being tricked into thinking they were not good enough for the world, God spoke and said to create an environment where women could fellowship and grow closer to him. PS: Wonderfully Made was created in January of 2016. It was created because women including Samantha were not living up to their God given purpose and were definitely not walking in love. Samantha believes that if we knew who we belonged to (Christ), there would be no reason to look towards the world for confirmation. Women would want to support other women instead of tearing one another down, Women would never feel inferior to another woman, Women would have confidence beyond measure. "Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised".-Proverbs 31:30